Saturday, April 11, 2009

Political Parties


  1. Jefferson first referred to "political bands" not government. He understood political parties could change the form if not the functions of government.

  2. Socialism- gov't ownership of means of production

    Communism-common ownership of means of production..interesting, what to produce is decided democratically

    Capitalism- means of production are privately owned

  3. Political Parties by their control of the the political processes have created, "A House Divided Against Itself"

  4. Lincoln believed: America is the world's last great hope for Freedom on this earth.

    It can still FAIL!!

    "A government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth"

  5. Protest Action:

    Let no law or political process be enacted that restricts the right of legal citizens to vote. The right to vote is the most important right in any Democracy.

  6. Protest Action:

    Let no government or political processes create apathy among the citizens of any nation.

    e-mail address:

  7. Protest Action:

    The current two Political Party system has lost a decent respect to the opinions of the citizens of the United States.

  8. Protest Action:

    Whenever any form of Government or political process becomes destructive to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, it is the right of the governed to alter or to Abolish It!!

  9. Totalitarianism
    Political System whereby the state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private life.
    They maintain political power by ideology and propaganda, information disseminated through mass media, personality cults, control of economy and restriction of free discussion

  10. If a new political party were started,the number of eligible voters would be approximately 80M. BHO won the election with 69M to 60M for Bush. A new party "could" win 56M of the new voters and 20% of those who voted for BHO and McCain, or 38M. Total potential votes available 95M. So even if this is faulted by 28M the number could be 66M voters. Within 3M of the number who voted for Obama.

  11. GOP-Grand Old Party, what does this mean, what does it imply, NOTHING
    Democratic Party- at least it has the key of democracy in the name, whether it is practiced or not
    American Constitutional Party- inclusive of any American with the principles of the Constitution supporting the agenda. Americans support the Constitution. The name is inclusive and not controversial.

  12. The ACP(American Constitutional Party) platform would be based on the Constitution being the Law of the Land. All government actions will be in compliance with the words written in the Constitution and the amendments. Judical review, being important, will be considered, but will not take precedence over the language of the Constitution. If majority determines a change in the Constitution is necessary, the amendment process will be follwed as detailed in the Constitution. Judical decisions in conflict with the words of the Constitution will require the Constitution be changed, and not put in the legal process until the Constitution is amended.

  13. Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one--A.J. Liebling

    The press has the ability to become corrupted by the political system just as a man!

    Advertisements...contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper---Thomas Jefferson

    Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press and that cannot be limited without lebery being lost...Thomas Jefferson

  14. In the original Declaration of Independence, Jefferson referred to the "Political Bands". "When in the course of human events,it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the "Political Bands" which have connected them with another..." In the case of the United States, and virtually every nation state on earth, it is the relationship of the prevailing "Political Parties" and the established form of government they direct that will determine the success of that nation stated. When the "Political Bands", under any form of government, who derived their "just" powers from the consent of the governed, create, or cause the creation of, "Political Processes" that are destructive to the ends of those governed, it is the "Right" of the citizens to alter or to abolish those "Political Parties", or "Political Processes".

    The citizens of the United States of America must announce to the "Political Parties" (as originally done) the grievances and what actions must be taken by those "Political Parties" what processes must be altered, or the legal citizens of the United States of America will "Declare Independence from those "Political Parties".

    BE IT UNDERSTOOD: The "Political Parties" have by their actions, and control of "Political Processes", created, as Lincoln referred to, "A House Divided Against Itself". "A House Divided Against Itself Will Not Stand."

    RESULT: Failure of that Democracy. Democracies fail when the legal citizens are restricted from exercising their rights and freedoms guaranteed in the "Social Contract", and/or by the "Political Processes" creating "Citizen Apathy" that results in the reduced/lack of the governed participation in the democratic process.

    As Jefferson further stated, "We are a government of the majority, at least the majority who participate"!

    Thomas Paine wrote in "Common Sense", "These are times that try men's souls....What we obtain to lightly; it is dearness on that gives everything its value"!!!

  15. A Conservative would say, "That some are rich should shows that others may become rich, hence , the message is just encouragement to industry and enterprise.

  16. Lincoln said, "Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing "political bands" and to form new ones. This is a most valuable and sacred "Right"- a right which we hope and believe will liberate the world."

  17. Sad but true!

    Hitler: "How fortunate for governments and political parties that the people they govern do not think!!!

  18. "A Democracy is two wolves and a small lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.


  19. What are you thinking??
    B. Russell, "Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth--more than ruin--more than death--Thought is subervise and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established political parties and established institutions. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. It is the glory of man!!

    The education system today trains us for our place in the system. It does not teach us to thing!!!

  20. Why is it American will travel the world, but will not cross the street to vote??


  21. Freedom of Speech is the key right to maintain Liberty. Subdue free speech and liberty is lost.

  22. It seems we have voted in to office a bunch of boobs, but not very many women.
    Clarle Sargent

  23. Today's political parties have two major objectives and sadly neither deals with policies.
    1. Collect enough money
    2. To win elections
    They count on us to not hold them accountable!
    Woe the citizens of democracies!!

  24. Funny thing about poverty. I was poor as a child, but did not know until I was told I was poor. Thank goodness I was not intellectually poor, just financially. Financial poverty can be overcome!!

    So important in these times that try men's souls
    Eugene McCarthy: "Saying we should keep the two-party system simply because it appears to be working, is like saying the Titanic voyage was a success because a few people survived on a life raft."

  26. Concerning the Vice-Presidency:

    Omar Bradley: "It seems very unfortunate that in order to secure political preference, people are made Vice Presidentwho are never intended, neither by party nor by the Lord, to be Presidents.

    Why do we not vote for the Vice-President unattached to a candidate??

  27. Ever thought of it this way:

    Most who win elections are elected by those who do not vote!!
    Jefferson says we are a government of the majority, the majority who participate.

    The political parties pander to us about increasing participation, but the fact is, they are most comfortable with the current participation level. History tells them how the voters will vote.

  28. The ultimate sacrifice is made in the dark. No one sees, but you know!!

  29. Think about it:

    The Declaration of Independence does not promise happiness. It promises the right to pursue Happines.

    The Constitution does not provide for the general welfare, it promotes the general welfare!

  30. Have we outgrown Liberty? Once our basic needs (Maslow) are met, do we concern ourselves with the protection of liberty?

  31. Thanks to the ACLU, in America there is a belief for one to gain a right, others must lose a right. The free expression of religious belief is taken away to protect the rights of those who do not believe.
    The ACLU suppresses freedom in the name of the law intended to protect freedom!!

  32. Have we learned?
    It not important who cast the ballots. What has become so important is how and who counts the ballots!!

    In a country that is so technically advance why has this not been changed??

  33. Which is more important?
    Freedom of thought
    Freedom of speech
    For me, I wish more people thought before they spoke

    Lincoln said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!!

  34. Why is the "best" person never a candidate?

    Is it the process developed by the political parties??

  35. Malcolm X said made many comments worth our time to remember. None more important than:

    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality. Nobody can give you justice. You must take it!!

    Declaration of Independence did just that!!

  36. We are a prudent people"
    We seldom practice the freedom of speech, but is this because we are prudent or is it because of fear??

    Freedom of thought for those we strongly disagree with protects freedom of thought for all of us.

  37. Voting.

    Why on one day for 12 hours. The political parties do not want a 90% turnout. Why vote on a Tuesday? We get holidays for Presidents, Independence etc. Why not for voting our most precious right, and why only 12 hours, why not over a weekend.

    This would shake the political parties to the bone!!!
